Exercise Videos

Seated exercises for Parkinson's disease

Great seated exercises for everyone; especially for people with Parkinson’s disease as all exercises in this video are emphasizing on creating BIG movements with the upper body as well as lower extremities.
As you know, people with PD start to have smaller movements, that overtime, will be problematic. For example, smaller steps with the small lifting of feet when walking can cause people to trip on things and fall.
However, the good news is that by repeating BIG movements with exercises, you can retrain your brain! The more you do the right exercises, the more your brain knows what is the right amount of bigness each movement has to have. Hope this video can be of any help to you!

Posture exercises for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s affects control of automatic activities, so posture changes may occur without the brain’s automatic reminders to stand up straight. Stooped or rounded shoulders, decreased low back curve, or forward lean of the head or whole body are included in these changes. They are making you look hunched over.
However, performing daily simple posture exercises and stretches throughout the day can help you from this posture change. Please watch the video below and let’s fight the posture change that happens in PD!

Standing Exercises for Parkinson's disease

Great video for standing exercises for people with Parkinson’s disease. Most of the standing exercises are shown without holding on a chair; however, for safety, it is recommended to start these exercises with holding on to a chair.
With Parkinson’s disease, movements get smaller. This video focuses on creating BIG movements with repetitive movements to retrain our brain. Enjoy!
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